Elaina had a particularly rough night last night. We've decided that the cause of her fevers and elevated heart rate was too much diuretic. She's just too dry. They (they = medical team) took her off of her diruetics on Thursday and increased her fluids. Last night (at about 3:30 am) her sats dropped very low (48-58 range -not good) and she turned a worrisome shade of blue. They listened to her lungs and decided that she sounded "junky" and so the respiratory therapist suctioned her out. Instead of clear/white mucus, she was bloody, they just kept getting more and more blood along with the mucus. The doc called for a chest x-ray and her lungs look wet. A very different picture than the last chest film. They don't think that there's any blood in her lungs, just draining from her sinus. They think the reason for the blood is the need for suction combined with how dry her mucus membranes are and the blood thinners that she's on. Anyway, after all was said and done, she's back on the high flow. She's currently on a 6 liter flow, with the o2 set at 90%, just to keep her sats at 70%..... Not good. The good thing about high flow is that it's super humidified, hopefully it will help the mucus membranes in her nose to heal a little better. Her blood gases aren't looking that great either. Her heart rate went back down to her base line last night though, so that's a positive. Anyway, she's back on her Bumex to see if we can balance her fluid out a little bit, and we're leaving her on the antibiotics just to be on the safe side for now.
So it continues, I sit, wait and wonder what the future holds. I am super scared at this point. The doctors try to be positive, but it's always laced with "we just hope you can get her home to make some memories". What's that supposed to mean? Grrrrr!!!!! I get a different answer depending on who I talk to. I know that means that they really don't have any answers. I know that she truly is in the Lord's very capable and comforting hands. BUT, I am selfish and I want my daughter to come home and be strong and to stay here on this earth!
Once again, I am asking for help with prayer and fasting. I will be having a special fast and prayer day tomorrow (Sunday) and would ask all those willing to participate to join me. I'm praying for Elaina to come home, but I want her to be stable and to continue improving so that we can do more than just make some memories. I want to make a lifetime. I have faith that miracles DO happen - we've been the recipients of many, and I know that our Heavenly Father hears and answers prayers. Thank you all for your continued love, prayers and support.
Hollie, Ben and Elaina
Sweet baby!!! The little one can't catch a break....I'm still praying and I've told all of my friends to join me. As my own daughter's OHS approaches, I hold yours closer to my heart! I'm definitely joining you tomorrow on her behalf...
We will pray for you! All our love and prayers will be with you and with Elaina and our niece Gracie.
Heart hugs,
Emily and Mike
We will be fasting and praying for Elaina and your family tomorrow. You and your daughter are amazing and strong. Keep the faith.
Count me in on the Fasting and Praying. . I believe in it 110%!
Heart Hugs,
Praying for you to get that lifetime with your little one!
Will most certainly keep all of you lifted up in prayer! She has been through so much & is so strong. May you all have a peace from God to comfort you in this difficult time.
Always in our prayers...
Jon, Tina, Gabby & Vaeh:0)
You guys are still in our prayers...GEEZ...tell her to stop all of this drama...it's time to go home!!!
Lots of love...
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