On Tuesday, Elaina had an echo done. There was a little concern, because they saw something in her Inferior Vena Cava (IVC). At first, they thought it was a clot. They assured me that they were already giving her the treatment for this, her Lovinox shots, and that they wouldn't really know for sure if it was a clot until the Cardiology team was able to take a better look at the echo. They wanted to compare it to not only her past echo's, but her cath lab results. They wanted to know if it was something new or if it had already been there for awhile. I decided not to TOTALLY FREAK OUT!!! and to wait for the final say. Well, today Cardiology came and talked to me. They said that it's not so much a clot as it is a strand of something waving in the blood flow of the IVC. (Scary note, the IVC connects to the right atrium of the heart. I really don't want anything going to her right atrium....) The general consensus is that it's probably from the broviac, and that it's what is causing her fevers. So, as soon as her next fever spikes, they are going to start her on Ancef, a different IV antibiotic than she's ever been on before. They are going to keep her on this antibiotic for 5 days and then switch her to amoxicillin for an additional 7 days and see what happens. The hope is that her fevers will disappear, and she will be able to "prove herself" so that she can be transferred to South Davis. Of course, knowing Elaina, nothing will be that simple. :) As it is now, we will be in the PICU for at least 2 more weeks. Oh well, going home is overrated anyway.....
Plan 2: Hollie's Plan
So, since Elaina is just going to be hanging out on antibiotics this weekend (and is otherwise as stable as she gets - give or take a fever!), I have made a decision. It was a VERY HARD decision for me to make. But, I've decided that Ben needs some uninterrupted Mommy time. I am going to take him on a small weekend trip to my family's cabin at Bear Lake. Here is a picture taken from the deck of the cabin, looking towards the lake:

Bear Lake is truly one of my favorite places on earth. Ben loves it just as much as I do, and I honestly can't think of a better place for a weekend of rest and relaxation! My siblings (and their families) will be there as well, and it is going to be fantastic fun! There is a public beach a very short drive down the hill (mountain) and the water is absolutely amazing! It is so clean and blue, you can actually be shoulder deep in the water and look down and see your feet. Bear Lake is famous for it's raspberry crop and it's a tradition to get a fresh raspberry shake on every visit. I discovered chocolate covered fresh raspberries last summer when I was pregnant, and I'm going to have to get some of those too! They dip them in chocolate and then put them in the freezer, and when you bite into it the fresh raspberry explodes into juice in your mouth. YUM!!! After 102 days in the hospital (79 in the PICU) I think 4 days away is justifiable. There is a part of me that feels guilty leaving Elaina in the hospital all alone, but Ben needs to have some fun with Mom and that's super important too.
Here's the catch. Since our cabin is an official "getaway", there is no internet access. SO, I will not be posting until Monday or Tuesday. Please don't get worried. If something happens with Elaina, I will have my Mom post (sorry you can't be with us at the cabin Mom!). Otherwise, I'll post tons of pictures of us having fun at the lake when we get back! Oh, if you're local and are going to be at Primary Children's please go give some loves to my sweet heart! Hold her and rock her and tell her that Mommy misses her, if you have the time.......
Thanks so much for all the love and support!
I don't know how I'd survive this without it!
Hollie, Ben and Elaina
Good for you Hollie, not only does Ben need you, but I'm sure you could use some fresh air! Hope you have some relaxing fun! Don't worry we will all continue to pray for lil Miss Elaina.
I am so glad your taking a trip with Ben. I can't imagine how hard it must be to have a child in the hospital and one at home. This is a much needed trip.
I SO wish I lived near you so I could go love on Elaina while you were gone. Will your mom be able to go see her? I'm sure the nurses will be giving her extra attention this weekend.
Have a wonderful trip!
Much love,
I am so happy for you...just a bit of respite is soooo needed! I will so be praying that you return rested and restored....
Have Fun!
Have a great weekend. I definetely think you deserve and will be better shape for Elaina next week. I'm sure the hospital staff has grown to love her and will take extra good care of her.
Melanie & Colin
Delurking to say good for you. I hope you have a wonderful weekend and built lots of great memories with your little guy.
I'll pray for a peaceful, uneventful weekend for Elaina.
Even though its hard (been there, done that!) I'm so glad that you'll be getting away & having Ben time!
Praying that you two enjoy yourselves & Elaina has a great weekend & is better than ever when you get back!
PS - Have some of those raspberries for me! They sound delicious!
Try not to feel guilty for getting away. You deserve that, and Ben does, too. Elaina will be just fine, resting up, waiting for you to get back and give her loves. She will be well cared for by the nurses, I am sure. That's what they're there for!
That is a BEAUTIFUL view. Wow! Can we meet you there? :) Have a great time.
I hope you are already enjoying your weekend. That is wonderful that you can get some R&R with Ben and your family. I am glad you are taking care of yourself and having some time with Ben. Of course, I'll keep Elaina in my prayers.
Love, Djinni
Good for You!!! Enjoy yourself!!!
I will be happy to go and give some loves to Elaina on Monday! Good for you. I do not know anyone who needs a vacation more then you do Hollie. We love your family and wish you some pure fun! I am totally envious!
Heart hugs,
Hello Hollie,
My name is Christina and i am Pams cousin over at Rhetts journey. I have been following your blog for a while now and i just want you to know that I am soooo happy that they found out what the fevers are from and I hope that they get it taken care of quickly so that you can take that precious baby home. you are in my prayers. Have a wonderful time with your son you deserve it.
Hey, I went and saw Elaina and she looks amazing!!! Have fun in Bear Lake and don't worry about her.. We will take good care of her and Brooklyn and Elaina are going to go shopping later..Have fun
You need the break!!!! Elaina will be fine... relax and enjoy your time with Ben!!!
Hollie, I hope you have a lovely little vacation with Ben. I am sure you both we enjoy your time together. I just wanted you to know that I fasted for Elaina yesterday.
hugs & Prayers,
Jacob's momma
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